Talking to a pilot friend of mine he explained the thrill of getting an Airbus 380 into the air. It starts slowly but then he opens the throttle on its four Rolls Royce Olympus engines. Within a few hundred feet it is accelerating to 80 mph. At that point all the design, effort and technology kicks in. The pilot chooses the moment and pulls back on the column. That is the moment of rotation, at that point there is no going back. The sky is the limit. So may it be for you.
Bob, today I sat for my P4 exam (5th Attempt). I feel embarassed to say this but what is true is true. Until now I was feeling I did well in today's paper but I just checked one P4 forum on opentution site and was shocked to see everyone found it as a disaster. Now I am feeling doubtful about me too. I may feel I have done well but the result is unpredictable. I hope I clear it this time as this was your last paper for ACCA.
Hi Bob, I've enjoyed studying for the P4 exam (much to my surprise!) and have found your articles in the student mag over the years to be instructive and easily understandable. Are there any further exams/qualifications that provide a logical progression from this paper, which you would recommend? (Was wondering about the AMCT but any you can suggest would be of interest.) Many thanks! Steve
Dear Bob,
P4 paper was set to the best of standards and i hope you have left the responsibility of setting this paper to a suitable person.
I think ACCA is supposed to be tough(if its going to be easy then there are going to be too many of us lots, brings the pay rate down ;))and when your in the professional papers you should expect anything to come in anyway possible as the meaning of the professional papers is that you are a professional if your giving those papers and should act accordingly.
I thank you for giving us such an amazing paper and giving us the opportunity to learn so much.
However, i do recommend that when examiners, checkers, books publishers and teachers have their meetings the ACCA should scrutinize the matter in the publications or stuff being taught to us as there is a lot of stuff missing in the texts and classes which was suppose to be there.
Hello Prof. Bob,
Thank you for P4.
I like P4, that s y i chose it as one of the options.
This time my view on this paper has been changed.
That is " If u ve prepared thoroughly, u can pass it "
However, we got some limitations.
We only ve access to the syllabus and your articles because we are from third world country
First attempt, I didnt understand what you were asking. But I decided to choose it for second attempt. At that time I lost my confidence but when i sat for second attempt, i found out I can do it, if i practice more.
Finally, this is my third attempt, I found the exam paper is relatively easy for me. It didnt take time comsuming to read your questions. The presentation for choice of question was very nice. We did not need to turn the pages to choose.
Thank you very much Bob.
I love your style, hope you make more awesome papers like this for whom ever you write for.
Dear Bob,
It is sad that you will not be the examiner any more.
I am proud to have graduated with p4 (2nd attempt).
Passing P4 with a 50 marks does mark my 1st paper in acca with a 50 marks. Nevertheless, it determine the difference between graduation and non-graduation.
Most importantly, I am proud to have graduated with the help of my lecturer and under a examiner of substance (i.e. You) because we know that you are someone who has the passion for finance.
Even after graduation, I still log in your blog to read up.
Hope you can continue to share your know-how with us.
Thank you for your passion for the subject. Really appreciate it :P
Comments concerning CFV and past questions in P4 have been deleted.
Bob, I have attempted p4 the second time and i found most of the criticism generally tossed at your papers to be rather harsh. All your attempts were DO ABLE, its just that your questions are rather different which increases the stress and pressure of exam so much that even the easier questions become difficult. I found your final attempt to be the it a parting gift to the students??
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