Some of us have been sitting on the high perches of academe for
many decades. It gives some perspective when new disciplines ride
into town like some old fashioned preacher holding a bible, proclaiming hell
fire and damnation, and totting a six-gun. Like many of the
so-called social sciences, health science, computer science and numerous
others, climate science did just that. Until very recently it could
only, at best, be classed as an immature science.
Like many of the other 'cross over' disciplines that came into
existence in the 1960's and 70's, it attracted the weaker and newer
universities and a large number of academics who discovered an opportunity for
a university career who would not have been short listed for appointment in any
mainstream discipline. Students, enthralled by any discipline that didn't
entail too much cerebral activity signed up as undergraduates and then, aided
and abetted by supervisors who understood barely more than their students,
registered for doctoral degrees. The result: doctoral dissertations
based upon pillaged methods and techniques from established disciplines
unsullied by any proper understanding of how they should be used. Who needs to
know the subtleties of computation, modelling or data analysis when the examiners
and referees are your supervisors' pals on the conference circuit?
In the feverish search for funding and recognition, the
new disciplines, up against the old, had to make bold claims. A new
discipline needs a new theory, something that sets it apart from the rest.
In addition, some entrepreneurial academics were able through the
conference circuit and by persuading other academics to join editorial boards
started journals which rocketed in popularity as the hermetically sealed
incumbents of the discipline talked to one another and gave one another
credibility. They, through their self referential publishing in
their own closet journals, were able to give those bold claims the gold
standard support of being published in refereed journals. It still
didn't alter the fact that they were embarrassingly deficient
methodologically and empirically. One of the properties of
bullshit is that it doesn't matter how much refereed deodorant you spray on it,
it still smells of what it is - bullshit.
And so it was with climate science. But climate science
hit pay-dirt, its boldest claim that humanity was about to destroy life as we
know it became a very useful political rallying point as the dismal ideologies
of the left smothered and subverted the nascent green movement in the decades
around the turn of the century. It was also an easy idea to feed
to the 24/7 media circus. That claim became larded with a moral
imperative to do something to save our grandchildren. The problem
is that the fledgling science became choked by opportunism and in such a
climate any criticism was viewed as heresy. And there were heretics -
academics, scientists, engineers and indeed scholars from many diverse
disciplines who smelt a very fetid rat. They soon realised that the
underpinning science was pretty straightforward; you don't need to be able to
solve the Schrodinger Wave Equation to figure out how the greenhouse effect
works. But, as soon as they questioned the clothing on the Emperor they
were damned: 'not published in the pal reviewed literature', an 'oil company
schill', 'not a climate scientist', 'not one of us', 'votes republican or
conservative', 'not one of the 97%'..... The abuse rained in and only the old
and wise with little to lose apart from the invitations to their alma mater's
rubber chicken events for academic emerati were prepared to put their hands up
and cry 'foul'.
However, the hard question began to be put and the data was not
playing ball. The myth of consensus is gradually breaking down and there
is a chance that at long last climate science can move
on. Unfortunately, like bad case law, it is hard to get beyond the
precedents set by earlier publications in the literature. Here is
where the Internet and the sceptical community have done climate science an
invaluable service. When criticism doesn't come from within, its
falls upon the Steve McIntyres, Anthony Watts, and yes, even the Matt Ridleys
of this world to put the boot in.
So, isn't it a given that human emissions of CO2 are raising global
temperatures, destabilising our weather systems, elevating sea levels and
turning the oceans into skin shredding, boil creating acid? Are we
really like rabbits staring into the headlights of armageddon? Well no.
What the science tells is that CO2 added to the atmosphere increases its
thermal capacity, this causes the atmosphere to expand and in doing so the top
of the atmosphere (which radiates heat away) gets a bit cooler. Because
of that the atmosphere at ground level gets warmer. There is no real
doubt that over the 20th Century the planet warmed and the best estimate puts
that at about 0.8C. Part of that occurred in the early decades and cannot
be attributed to human influences. So, the addition of another 120ppm of
CO2 (from 280ppm to 400ppm) elevated temperatures by perhaps 0.5C. If we
doubled the CO2 concentration to 560ppm that would imply an additional
temperature increase of 0.7C from now. That's not much - but what
happens if we keep on increasing CO2? Will temperatures rise
exponentially and we will all be toast? Not quite, the addition of CO2 to
the atmosphere has a logarithmic effect - the more you add, the less the
impact. The uncontroversial bit is that adding CO2 to the atmosphere
will have diminishing but positive warming effect.
The problem with the theory is that the climate is not well
behaved. For the first 40 years of the last century there was a sharp
rise in temperatures that is normally explained as a 'bounce' from the little
ice age of 300 years ago. Over the following 30 years temperatures
fell but with a significant reversal and rising temperatures for the next 30
years. Since the late nineties temperatures (both land, ocean and crucially
satellite) have been (statistically) insignificantly different from zero.
This variability over the instrumental period has not been in lockstep
with the smooth increase in atmospheric CO2. So, the inescapable
conclusion: CO2 is not insignificant but there are other powerful forces at play.
The natural rhythms of the oceans, solar influences, volcanic activity,
aerosols, orbital mechanics, albedo effects of changing patterns of polar ice
and glaciation all play a part. The problem is that climate science with
its myopic focus on CO2 and the impact of homo sap. has only just begun to get to
grips with these more pedestrian issues. You don't get huge grants for
investigating geo-thermal effects in the deep oceans. You do get huge
grants if you can show that we are all about to fry ourselves.
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